Frequently Asked Questions
How much insurance coverage do I need?
How much can you afford to pay out of pocket? (Choose a deductible that you know you can pay out of pocket. Also, if you choose lower limits, you might be personally responsible for damages that exceed those limits. Consider whether you can afford this possibility, too.)
Do you make payments on your car? (If you do, you may be required to have Comprehensive and Collision in addition to Liability coverage.)
What type of vehicle do you drive? (It's wise to have higher limits for vehicles, such as large SUVs, that can cause more damage.)
Do any drivers live in your house but never drive your vehicles? (You can exclude them from coverage on your policy, which means you won't have to insure them on your policy.)
Should I buy collision insurance if I have an old car?
Buying collision insurance is a personal decision. You may want to consider the value of your car or the amount of loss you can personally assume. Our aim is to help you decide what coverages are best for you.
What's the difference between bodily injury liability coverage and medical payment coverage?
Bodily Injury Liability coverage pays for injuries you or anyone covered under your policy may cause to others. Medical Payments coverage pays for reasonable medical expenses for you or your passengers, regardless of who caused the accident. Some states require passengers to first seek reimbursement under their own automobile policy.
What's the difference between split-limit liability coverage and single-limit liability coverage?
A single limit policy provides one total amount of coverage for bodily injury and property damage in an accident, regardless of the number of people involved or the extent of the property damage. Split-limit coverage specifies individual amounts in an accident for an injured person, for all injured people, and for damaged property.
For example, a $50,000 Single-Limit policy provides a total amount of $50,000 for bodily injury and property damage in an accident. A policy with $25,000/$50,000/ $15,000 Split-Limit coverage provides $25,000 per person.
What's the difference between Collision and Comprehensive coverage for my automobile?
Collision Insurance
Collision insurance laws may vary by state, but generally, this insurance covers a loss to the insured's vehicle caused by its impact with another vehicle or object.
Comprehensive Coverage
Comprehensive insurance laws may vary by state, but generally, this insurance protects against any loss or damage to an automobile except those caused by collision or by upset; for example, glass replacement, towing and labor coverage, or coverage against fire or theft.